Friday, January 29, 2010

The Virtuous Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is probably my favorite contributor to the Age of Enlightenment. He was a scientist, revolutionary, inventor, and philosopher. One concept he struggled to find a solution for was the discovery of self and how we control our own actions. He believed that what made up our individual personalities were the thoughts we expressed and the actions we took in life and on a daily basis. In an attempt to rid himself of all possible faults and sins he created a code of conduct that he would try to follow. His conduct would be controlled by thirteen virtues that he would try to uphold every day. Whenever he failed to live a virtuous day he would carefully record his error on a chart and try to improve his behavior for the future. Instead of taking on all his virtues at once Benjamin Franklin tried to master them one at a time to make the task easier and more realistic.
This week I tried to follow Benjamin Franklin’s model by living a week of following his virtues. I did not try too hard. Instead I acted as I normally would, but recorded my inappropriate behavior for future reflection. I discovered that I usually behave with good decorum throughout the week. I will admit that my behavior changes slightly when it’s the weekend, but this week I was pretty virtuous. I agree with Franklin in that our self is defined by our actions and how we think about things. I also think that to live a life of virtue would be difficult at first, but if you can succeed you will have a better, more enjoyable life.

Chart provided by: Brian Gordinier '13


  1. I agree with you, too! "I agree with Franklin in that our self is defined by our actions and how we think about things." I should try to master one of them at a time like a Benjamin Franklin.

  2. I agree with you, too!! "I agree with Franklin in that our self is defined by our actions and how we think about things."

    I should try to do one of them at a time like a Benjamin Franklin. It will be more realistic!

  3. I agree with you!
    I think it is difficult to control own actions. However, we have to find how we control them and try to get rid of our faults.
