Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reflection on Professor Denis' Lecture

I found the lecture on Wednesday to be very informative and stirring. I'll admit that I have a very short attention span so lectures or encore performances usually don't keep me captivated for very long, however this lecture was different. Professor Denis gave a very passionate lecture on the Holocaust that was better than any I had heard before, with two exceptions that were given by actual survivors of the Holocaust. I learned not only about the death of the six million Jews, but also about the five million other minorities that the Nazis persecuted and destroyed in the largest genocide this world has ever seen. One thing that surprised me was that all six of the death camps during the Holocaust were located in Poland, not Germany. I don't know the exact reason for this, but I found it strange that they would all be in a different country. It's almost as if Hitler couldn't stand the Jews living, even for a short time, in Germany so he had them all collected in a different country for extermination. This is just another example of Hitler's terrible hatred, persecution, and racism that fueled the horrors of the Holocaust.

The most interesting part of the lecture for me was the different works of art that were created during the Holocaust. It's amazing how people can still create beautiful things even during times of great pain and violence. The pictures of the Holocaust are never taken by the victims , only of the victims. The artwork the victims created may show the same chaos as the pictures, but they are worth so much more because they can also show us how the victims felt about their situation. Elie Wiesel illustrates how Eliezer feels during Night as the main character narrates his painful fight to stay alive. The art helps me better understand and visualize Eliezer's and the other eleven million people's suffering during the Holocaust.

Artwork by Ernst Eisenmayer
Artwork taken from:

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. but i thought the posts were supposed to be a paragraph or am i not doing it right?
