Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Professor Lemak's Music and the Burial at Thebes

Social justice is the concept of a society that gives individuals and groups fair treatment and an equitable share of the benefits of society. This includes a fair distribution of rights, assets, and benefits among all members of a society. Social justice is based on the idea of human rights and equality for everyone. Moral authority is the privilege of being respected for having good character or knowledge, especially as a source of guidance and usually as a ruler.

However, the terms justice, authority, responsibility, morality, and freedom are never absolute. There is not a perfect definition of each term that can be used universally in every situation. Many factors determine the current meaning and proper use of these terms which include: opinion of the individual and society, as well as the time period, location, tradition, and current related events. The position of authority can be a very stressful and difficult job for some people. The rulers must balance social justice with their own sense of morality when they issue and enforce laws. This can be seen in Burial at Thebes when Creon is forced to make a decision that will determine the fate of Anitgone. Antigone personifies social justice and its struggle with moral authority. She believes in equality under the will of the Greek gods. That is why she felt it was necessary to bury both of her brothers despite their different actions and loyalties. Creon is the authority figure who must decide the fate of the brothers’ bodies as well as any who interfere with his word, which is law. This not only shows the balance of social justice and moral authority, but also the difficult task of creating just laws and not unjust ones by mistake.

Creon eventually concedes that his decree was against the will of the people. If he loses the respect of the people he loses his legitimacy and authority. He relinquishes his hold over Antigone and gives in to the demands of the masses after originally sentencing her to death. He takes responsibility for his actions like Antigone had done earlier when she admitted to her unlawful but just deeds. He is too late in changing his mind and tragedy results, but the main idea here is the balance of power and freedom. For any form of government to survive long it must quickly establish a balance between power and freedom. The power is ultimately in the hands of the governed whether it is a democracy or a dictatorship. This is because the people have to give up their rights and freedom to allow another person or people to rule over them. They do this to establish order and create a strong wall of protection. People in power must be watchful of the public’s opinion because the masses simply have to take back the rights and freedoms they temporarily gave up in order to destroy the government’s foundations.

Professor Lemak discussed this balance of power in Burial of Thebes, but he also used his own life experiences to show his own personal struggle with those in power and how he came to respect true leadership. He talked about his teenage years of natural rebellion in which he used music as a way to fight his parents and authority in general. He would listen to any music his elders did not like, sometimes because they disapproved of it. He saw this as a natural part of life and if a person was a real patriot they would take steps to challenge authority. It is a part of our cultural heritage to confront authority and question its methods and actions. It is not necessary for people to use violence or go to any extreme measures, but it is important that people challenge their leaders in some way to determine for themselves if those in power are worthy of maintaining it. We do this every time we fight with authority figures, vote against a government official in power, or listen to music our parents don’t like. Professor Lemak now understands some of the difficult choices those with authority have to make, but he also understands that it is our responsibility to question the decisions they make. This is all a part of the complex balance in society of moral authority and social justice, power and freedom, and authority with leadership.

Painting of Anitgone by Frederic Leighton in 1882
Painting taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antigone

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