Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dr. Kapasula's Lecture on Modern Feminism

Dr. Jesse Kabwila Kapasula's lecture was intriguing and eye-opening. I learned a lot about her native country and about third world countries in general. She discussed the lack of respect third world countries receive in the global community. I knew that the world super powers ran the show in the United Nations, but I did not know that they were constantly slighted and forgotten.

Something that surprised me was the feminism present in Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies”that she showed during her lecture. Beyonce shows her pride and strength as a woman in modern times through her song. In the song she is a girl who is dealing with her ex-boyfriend and she tells all the men in America that if they like a girl they need to marry her to capture her heart. This shows the power of women in today’s society. Women make the final decision in the relationship and this shows the strength of women and the modern importance of feminism.

The most interesting aspect of her lecture for me was her connection of feminism to third world countries. I thought feminism was only strong in more modern cultures and advanced societies. I thought it was fascinating that feminism still had a hold on third world countries, even in remote parts of Africa. This notion that feminism can be found anywhere adds to my understanding of order and chaos. Feminism is a representation of order when it is in a chaotic society. It shows a unity and order among strong women and has a powerful influence in some societies.

This can tie into our discussions of Burial at Thebes. Antigone can be viewed as an example of a feminist in ancient times. She is a strong woman that is willing to sacrifice her life to uphold her beliefs. A powerful woman with a strong will, she even stands up to a king and respected, elder relative to fight for her belief. The Burial at Thebes is an old example of feminism that was rare in Greece, but has been remembered for millennium.

Picture taken from: http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Beyonce/gallery/SGY-016822/

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