Monday, February 22, 2010

Self & Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Once again, when we discuss our image of self we are dealing primarily with the brain and its multiple layers and functions. The part of self that is controllable is the voluntary and conscious part of our brain. We control most of our daily choices and actions that create an identifiable personality of an individual. How we express emotions can be controlled. Depending on the person we can control our emotions and activities to different degrees. If you are knowledgeable of your actions and emotions, and the effects of them you can control that part of your self. People who are strong willed and organized can sort their thoughts and easily control the different parts of their self. Different parts of our brain control these different aspects of our self. We cannot completely control all the aspects of self, but those that we can we should always monitor and try to improve whenever possible.

This is a way to view order and chaos in the human brain. We try to organize and control the different parts of our personality, but sometimes it is impossible. The constant change and flow of our minds and our emotions can create chaos, but when they are all combined they create a complete self that shows us who we really are. There are too many aspects of our psyche that are beyond our control, but out of the chaotic unknown that we often view them as, a complete human being emerges. This person is tangible and their body and conscious thought creates order.

The movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind confronts the issue of memories, how we define ourselves, and what effect altering the mind has on a person. A philosophical debate that is central to the story’s main conflict is if it became possible to medically erase memories, should a person willingly give up a part of their past. The main character, Joel, has part of his memories removed from the past two years of his life in an attempt to forget about an ex-girlfriend. Anything that could trigger a memory of her is removed and the doctors destroy parts of his brain that relate to her in anyway. This makes the audience think about their own experiences and allows them to imagine a life without any bad memories. I would not want to live a life that is perfect but filled with memory holes. I think memories are what make us who we are and without them we lose our selfs. The movie shows us how we are affected by the outside world, but more importantly it shows us the value of our memories.

The title of the movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is ingenious. There are several different parts to the meaning of the title. Eternal Sunshine relates to the never ending happiness one supposedly would have without any bad memories. However, the main character lives a dull unhappy life. He destroyed all the good experiences of his relationship with the bad so now he is forced to live in ignorance without bliss. The Spotless Mind refers to the mind as a blank slate. It shows minimal emotions and memories expressed in an empty mind. We see this mind as a beautiful, spotless canvas that is untarnished or besmirched by negative memories, but we also see it as ugly because the canvas is untouched. The artist needs to paint and draw all over the canvas to create their completed masterpiece. This is all connected to the films idea of memories and the use of technology to remove the ‘spots’ on our past experiences. Our minds are the canvas, and our memories are the images on the canvas. I personally would prefer to have a beautiful canvas with a few slips of the artist’s brush evident on its surface then the empty canvas.

Picture taken from:

Monday, February 15, 2010

‘Til I Collapse by Eminem: The Struggle of Self

‘Til I Collapse by Eminem

This song shows the struggle of self. Enimen explains the internal turmoil we all feel when we are faced with a difficult situation or an important decision. He raps about the hardships we face that we must overcome in order to achieve greatness. In the first paragraph he talks about the weakness we find in ourselves at times when we must overcome a difficult task. Those who succeed search within to find an inner strength and motivation. This song inspires me whenever I am working out and it drives me to become a better person. By listening to this song I develop a stronger body and mind. He talks about the unquenchable human spirit and desire to survive. This song shows us how to fight to the last and how to use our inner strength as fuel during hard times. This is one of my favorite songs, because it inspires me to find my inner self and through contemplation I can become a better person.

'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

[B/W Intro:]
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left

[Verse #1:]
Till I collapse I’m spilling these raps long as you feel em
Till the day that I drop you'll never say that I'm not killing them
Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them
And I am not hip-hop and I’m just not Eminem.
Subliminal thoughts when I'm stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom
Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop.
Amoxacilin is just not real enough.
The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners.
Your coming with me, feel it or not you’re gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us.
You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up.
For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck.

[Chorus - NateDogg]
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.

[Verse #2:]
Music is like magic there’s a certain feeling you get when your real
and you spit and people are feeling your shit.
This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it
cause you may never get it again.
So while you’re in it try to get as much shit as you can
and when your run is over just admit when its at its end.
Cause I'm at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in.
I got a list here's the order of my list that it's in.
It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me.
But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy, so when I’m not put on this list the shit does not offend me.
That's why you see me walk around like nothing's bothering me.
Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me.
You hate it but you know respect you’ve got to give me
The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Verse #3:]
Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC’s heart
what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart.
And its absurd how people hang on every word.
I’ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve
But I’ll never be served my spot is forever reserved
If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first.
Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse.
That’s why I’m clever when I put together every verse
My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I’m an addict
I rap like I’m addicted to smack like I’m Kim Mathers.
But I don’t want to go forth and back in constant battles
The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers.
So this is like a full blown attack I’m launching at them
The track is on some battling raps who want some static
Cause I don’t really think that the fact that I’m Slim matters
A plaque of platinum status is whack if I'm not the baddest.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Eminem & Natedogg Echo:]
Until the roof
The roof comes off
Until my legs
give out from underneath me

I will not fall,
I will stand tall,
Feels like no one could beat me.
Works Cited
Mathers, Marshall. "'Til I Collapse." The Eminem Show. Shade Records. 2002

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Small Talk Among Friends

In participating in this blog, I have discovered that most of my life is filled with small talk. At least 90% of the conversations I have during a normal day are with my friends and they usually are about the same stuff. This morning we all went to Family Breakfast and discussed the events from the night before. We do this every Saturday and Sunday and it’s always a lot of fun. About a dozen of my close friends and I all sit at a round table in the dining hall and talk about the past week, the night before, and what we all want to do later on. It’s almost always a pleasant and friendly atmosphere and our discussions are different in content but the same in intentions. We all try to learn about each other and get estimations on how the night went for everybody. If someone had a bad night we might pick on them for it, but then we offer advice for them to help them future. We are an unorthodox, squabbling, happy family and our small talk around the breakfast table reflects that.

When we have our group conversations everyone is entitled to express their opinion. The right to voice your own ideas and opinions are part of the social norms we unconsciously implement among ourselves. However, another social norm is that others in the group can interrupt, mock, or disregard whatever you want to say. This makes the conversations hard to follow at times, but it also makes the discussions we have more lively and we are all a lot more enthusiastic. We talk in a casual and very informal tone about anything we want because we are all comfortable with each other.

We all are from the New England area but some of us still sound different. One of my friends is from Melrose near Boston, Massachusetts so his speech has a very distinct accent. Another friend from Long Island uses words that I usually wouldn’t and talks with a slight Long Island accent. We hardly notice the differences anymore, but at first their speech seemed very peculiar to me. No matter what we discuss, what accents we use, or where we talk the conversations are always meant to be positive and most importantly they are always with friends.

Picture taken from: